Split Pea & Mint Soup

When we first started making this recipe back in the early 1980s, we called it “Persian Pea Soup”, strangely enough because it was from the Near East and contained peas. We changed the name because of continual mocking cries of “What have split peas to do with Persia?” Shortly afterwards a customer exclaimed in rapture “This is wonderful, this is soup like we eat in Iran!” We rest our case, but could not be bothered to change the name back. It’s a good soup whether it’s from Persia or Presto


8 oz Green Split Peas
2 Pints Water
1 Medium onion
1 Dessert spoon Sunflower Oil
1 Teaspoon Shoyu
1 Heaped Dessert spoon Dried Mint
Salt & Pepper


  • Rinse the peas several times in cold water and drain.
  • Put the two pints of water in a large saucepan, add the peas and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally to prevent the peas sticking.
  • Once boiling turn down the heat, partially cover the pan and simmer gently.
  • Whilst the peas are cooking take the onion, peel it and chop it finely.
  • Heat the sunflower oil in a pan over a medium heat, add the chopped onion and gently fry until the onion is soft, adding the shoyu once the onions start to cook.
  • When the onions are soft and have absorbed the shoyu add them to the boiling peas. Stir in the mint then bring back to the boil.
  • Cover the pan and simmer until the peas are soft, which will take about an hour, stirring from time to time, and if it seems to be getting too thick add a little water.
  • This soup does have a tendency to stick to the bottom of saucepans once the peas begin to fall so be warned.
  • Once the peas have collapsed (but hopefully not the cook) season to taste and serve.

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